Why Do My Pavers Look Dull?

Pavers add a unique touch to patios, driveways, walkways, and anywhere else they are used. They make the overall scenery look more beautiful and appealing. However, as time goes on, you have probably noticed that the colors are not looking as bright as they used to look. If that’s your case, you’re probably wondering: why do my pavers look dull?

Why Do My Pavers Look Dull? 

The most popular reason why your pavers look dull is because of the exposure to the sun and weather elements. With prolonged exposure to these elements, the pavers accumulate dirt and grime that dulls their appearance.

Paved entry way

The colors of the pavers turn white and fade away as they age because the colors were dyed into them and are not natural. This occurs especially in sunny areas and pavers directly under the sun tend to lose their color faster than those that are not. However, naturally colored pavers like clay bricks tend to retain their colors for longer. 

Pavers are manufactured using sand, Portland cement, little gravel, and water. This mixture is then combined with dry-shake pigments to give it its rich color. 

The dry-shake pigments feel just like flour since they share similar consistency. When added to the mixture, it coats the surface of the gravel and sand just like the Portland cement. This explains why freshly made concrete pavers have a deep and rich color to them. Each paver has the appearance of an extremely thin coating of colored icing. 

Factors Affecting the Look of Your Pavers 

Once the pavers are installed and get exposed to the sun and other elements, it begins to weather. It then slowly loses its layer of vibrant and rich colors. This is why the pavers begin to look dull and somewhat unattractive.

There are a lot of factors that directly affect your pavers causing them to lose their vibrant colors and look dull. Here are some of the most common factors affecting the look of your pavers:


The primary reason why your pavers are fading is because of their continual exposure to sunlight. The rays of the sun are so powerful that they can cause any pigmented item to fade. This includes fabrics, containers, and even the pigments used in manufacturing the pavers. 

This does not happen in one day, although it starts happening slowly from the first day they are installed. You may start to notice over prolonged periods of time that the colors of your pavers are fading away. 

Discolored paver stones

This occurs owing to the fact that the dry-shake pigment that is typically used does not entirely mix with and penetrate into the aggregate. So, as other parts of the pavers start to fade from weathering, the color of the aggregate starts showing and becomes more noticeable. 

Wind and Air

With the increase in air pollution, certain pollutants and particles carried by the wind come in contact with your pavers. These pollutants and particles then start to wear off the outer layer of the pavers. 

This interaction that occurs as a result of the pollutants and particles coming in contact with the pigment in the paving stones causes them to fade and look dull. 

Regular Use

Like almost any other surface, regular use will affect the look. As soon as the pavers are installed, they start serving their purpose. They start to withstand foot and vehicle traffic, depending on where they are installed. 

This traffic starts to gradually erode the surface of pavers, which is typically an ultrathin layer of color. This layer is way thinner than a sheet of paper and once it is eroded, the color of the aggregate starts to become noticeable. 

The process of wear is a very slow and subtle one. You barely notice it when it starts, the next thing you notice is the pavers are missing their rich and vibrant colors.


Cleaning your pavers can also contribute to the reasons why they are fading. If you clean your pavers using a pressure washer, you can potentially cause the colors to fade. The coating of color on the pavers can barely withstand the pressure from the pressure water. 

Installed paver stones that are starting to look dull

Over time, the continuous high-pressure blast of water will erode the layer of color on the pavers and expose the stone and aggregate contained in them. Oftentimes, the stone and the aggregate do not retain the color of the pigments used and will appear dull.


Other than pressure washers, the chemicals you use in cleaning your pavers could be part of the reason they are looking dull. If you use harsh chemicals like vinegar and bleach in cleaning your pavers, it can wash out some of the colors over time. This can also cause them to look dull.

You should also watch out for the strong effects of salt when deicing during the winter months, as they can affect the quality of your pavers over time.

How to Prevent Your Pavers From Looking Dull

While there is little you can do to influence the interaction of natural elements, like rain, sunlight and the wind, with your pavers, there are a few things you can do to prevent your pavers from looking dull. 

  • Avoid washing them with harsh chemicals, use a gentle biodegradable detergent instead

  • Avoid using a pressure washer as much as possible

  • You can have a sealant applied on your pavers once in a while, say on an annual basis to preserve the layer of color on them

  • You can also consider painting your pavers as long as you use high-quality acrylic latex or masonry paint specifically designed for outdoor surfaces.

If you reside in the San Diego area in California, you can always consult Aviara Pavers, a leading paver design and installation company that helps you install pavers for your patio, driveway and entry ways that will stand the test of time while following ICPI certifications, safety standards, your set timeline, and budget.

Related Questions 

What Is the Best Way to Clean Pavers?

The material used in making your pavers determines the best way to clean your pavers.  However, there are general routine measures you can take including sweeping or wetting the area, removing weeds by using Roundup, and using paver cleaners and sealants.

Is Sealing Pavers a Good Idea?

Yes, one of the best things to do to preserve the vibrant color and look of your pavers is to seal them. This helps to prevent stains and ensure they last longer.


Pavers are naturally prone to losing their colors over time as a result of a combination of natural and man-made factors. While there is little you can do about the natural factors, there is so much you can do to preserve the vibrant appearance of your pavers.

Jason Farr