Can You Lay Pavers in the Rain?

Pavers are popular because they give a beautiful and long-lasting finish to your property. Since the installation comprises mainly outdoor work, it is important to consider the weather when laying them. This is because adverse weather conditions could be extremely disruptive. So, can you lay pavers in the rain?

Can You Lay Pavers in the Rain?

Yes, you can lay pavers in the rain, depending on the intensity. Typically, activities such as excavation, drainage installation and even laying of the pavers could be carried out in drizzles. However, laying pavers in heavy rain conditions could cause water to accumulate under the paver slabs, thereby reducing the work quality.  

Man laying out paver bricks

If you are in a location where it constantly rains heavily, then you might want to consider postponing your paver installation to more favorable weather. You should note, however, that excess sunlight does not count as favorable weather for laying pavers either. This is because the pavers could overheat and get too difficult to lay. 

When Is the Best Time to Lay Pavers?

If pavers should not be laid in heavy rains or in extremely hot weather, when then should you lay pavers? The most advisable time to lay pavers is in early spring. During this period, neither the summer heat nor the spring rains have begun gathering, thus giving the weather a nice balance that’s great for outdoor work and installing pavers.  

What Happens to the Paver Sand Base When It Rains?

A strong sand base, built with the right type of sand, plays a huge role in paver installation. Not only does it promote adequate drainage, but it also ensures that pavers are leveled and properly locked in place. 

Heavy showers can make the laying of a sand base quite challenging. This is because the water is highly likely to wash off the sand before it gets the chance to harden. Even if it does not get washed off, the sand would most likely absorb so much water that it would make an unfirm base. 

Alternatives to Regular Sand for Laying Pavers

While regular sand is a cheap and easily accessible material for sand bases, it is not exactly a great option. This is because it is prone to erosion, and allows for the growth of weeds and insects in the paver gaps.

Other types of sand you can use to build a strong sand base in place of regular sand include:

Pavers after being installed in the rain

Polymeric Sand

Also known as hardscape sand, polymeric sand is a blend of fine sand particles and some other additives, such as silica, which help bind the sand particles together when mixed with water. As a result of its composition, polymeric sand is better fitted to withstand rain better than regular sand. 

Washed Concrete Sand

Just like actual concrete, washed concrete sand locks tightly and keeps the pavers firmly in place. By doing this, this sand prevents water from slipping in through the joints and weakening the base. It also prevents weed from growing through the paver joints, thus ensuring long-term tidiness.

Who Should Lay My Pavers?

While it could be very tempting to pick up the necessary equipment and get to work on laying your pavers by yourself, you should know that laying pavers is not exactly a DIY -Do It Yourself- task. Ideally, you should consult with an experienced and professional paver installation service, such as Aviara Pavers

We’ll be happy to give you the best advice concerning when to pave or what sand and bricks to use. We’ll be also happy to expertly restyle your property and make it a place that you enjoy coming home to. We are also ICPI certified and follow ICPI guidelines for the entire process, guaranteeing that you get only top-quality service.

In addition to these, here are some other reasons to hire the services of professional paver installers:

Cost Reduction 

While it might seem like installing your pavers by yourself would be a cheaper option, you would be surprised to find out that this is not true. Experts can help you install your pavers more affordably because we know how many pavers to install, the best places to get quality, yet affordable materials for use.

Also, with their thorough approach to installation, you are very likely to spend no money on re-laying washed-off paver joints or sub-base layers.

Drainage Installation 

Road with paver stones

Proper drainage is important when installing pavers because standing water weakens and damages your pavers over time. A good drainage system, like the one a professional would provide you with, would prevent issues such as water accumulating under the pavers or in between the paver joints, thus, ensuring your paving lasts longer.

Quality Material and Equipment 

The quality of the material and types of equipment used in installing your pavers largely determine their durability. Materials of high quality are more likely to withstand the wear and tear that comes with the weather than those of low quality. 

Since they have lots of experience, professional pavers can always tell good materials from bad ones. Also, they make use of highly-advanced equipment and techniques to make sure your pavers remain clean and in their original positions for a long time.

Related Questions 

Do Pavers Sink Over Time?

Yes, pavers do sink over time if they are not properly installed, that is if the base layer was not properly prepared or if there is inadequate drainage resulting in a water pool. If you notice such, it is important to fix the problem immediately to avoid other compounding problems by:

  1. Investigating the actual cause of the sinkage

  2. Removing all the affected paving stones

  3. Removing the bedding layer

  4. Replacing the base layer with properly compacted sand and gravel

  5. Finally, lay your paver stones on the new base layer


Protecting the integrity of your pavers from the elements and other damaging factors is very essential to their durability. Thus, when considering adding pavers to your patio, driveway, pool deck, or any part of your property, it is advisable to hire professional paver installers, such as Aviara Pavers, because of the extra guarantee they offer.

Jason Farr