Travertine vs Concrete Pavers for Your Pool Deck

Having an unsightly poolside can be annoying and somewhat embarrassing, especially if you expect visitors. When it comes to what to use for paving your pool deck, some of the popular options are travertine and concrete pavers. 

As a paver design specialist serving the San Diego area since 2017, I've found the differences, benefits, and downsides of using concrete and travertine in pool decks. This comparison guide will help you choose between travertine vs concrete pavers for your pool deck.

Travertine vs Concrete Pavers for Your Pool Deck

Paving your entire poolside comes with many benefits. For instance, it enhances aesthetics, curbs corrosion, and ensures your feet remain comfortable by providing moisture that helps cool the surface. Therefore, you need an ideal paver to perform the work efficiently.

The installation should also be done by a professional to ensure the pavers last longer. At Aviara Pavers, we will advise you on the best pavers to buy before we install them for you. 

Tan colored travertine tiles installed around an outdoor pool

We are a reputable company that means business when it comes to paving. We also adhere to ICPI standard guidelines for proper installation, including pool decks, patios, walkways, and driveways, whether you want to use travertine or concrete.

Travertine for Pool Decks

Compared to pavers, a travertine pool deck is an excellent choice, especially when you live in areas with high temperatures. It keeps your feet cool by transferring cool temperatures from the Earth underneath to the surface. The material also reflects the sun’s rays, ensuring your poolside remains cool.

Pool decks using travertine have better porosity as this feature helps absorb water that splashes each time, ensuring your pool deck remains non-slippery. Travertine’s porosity also ensures water does not stay in puddles (during the rainy season), which could flood the entire backyard.


  • Travertine has a natural non-slip texture, making it ideal to use on the poolside.

  • Since they are cooler than pavers, the porosity of travertine helps it resist heat from the sun. This reduces discoloration.

  • Travertine comes in different shapes and sizes, making it easy to purchase one that matches your poolside.


  • Travertine is an expensive paving material due to the mining process involved.

  • Travertine is prone to cracking and breaking when not maintained properly.

Concrete Pavers for Pool Deck

Concrete pavers are an excellent choice for pool decks because they resist chlorine and salt. Remember that salt can corrode the mortar between pavers, making them weak. On the other hand, chlorine can discolor your pavers over time.

Concrete pool deck pavers also have joints that absorb moisture that cools the surface. This provides underfoot stability and a suitable attraction in your backyard. These pavers also come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, allowing you to choose one you like.


  • They come in different shapes, sizes, styles, and patterns. This gives homeowners room to create a unique poolside

  • You can replace individual concrete pavers during the repair

  • They are durable and can last up to 50 years when regularly maintained.


  • They can fade with time if you don't apply an ideal sealer.

  • They can crack, break, or chip if poorly installed or maintained.

Red and blue paver tiles installed around an outdoor pool

Comparing Travertine and Concrete Pavers

Both travertine and concrete pavers offer aesthetics, are durable, and can be customized to match your preference. However, other valuable insights can help you make a detailed decision before purchasing one that suits your poolside.


  • Both come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing homeowners to choose one they like.

  • Both require regular maintenance to ensure longevity.

  • Both have a non-slip feature that is suitable for poolside and other areas around your home.

  • Both can enhance the visual appeal of your pool area, which adds value to your property by creating an inviting outdoor space. 


  • Travertine comes from natural limestone deposits, while concrete pavers are made of cement, aggregate, and coloring agents.

  • Concrete pavers are resistant to weather conditions and pool chemicals. Travertine, on the other hand, can be vulnerable to freeze-thaw cycles and pool chemicals.

  • Travertine has thermal and acoustic insulating properties that protect it from UV lights. On the other hand, pavers must be sealed to reflect the UV lights.

  • Travertine is generally more expensive than concrete pool deck pavers due to its natural stone origin and installation cost.

  • Installing travertine is more labor-intensive since it requires expertise, unlike concrete pavers, which are easy to install and can be a DIY project.

Major Distinguishing Factor

The major distinguishing factor between the two is how each curbs UV lights to reduce discoloration. Travertine has a thermal and acoustic insulating property that protects it from sun rays. On the other hand, paver pool decks are sealed to reflect the UV lights.

When to Use Travertine for Pool Decks

You can opt for travertine pool decks to bring nature closer to your poolside and backyard. You can also use them when living in areas with intense heat because it is heat resistant, making you walk comfortably.

When to Use Concrete Pavers for Pool Decks

Use concrete paver pool decks when you want the manufacturer to customize them to your liking. The beauty of pavers is that you can instruct the manufacturer to customize them to match the traffic and offer more slip resistance in your pool area. They are also durable and less susceptible to cracking.

Gray colored paver stones installed around an outdoor pool with a pink flamingo inflatable floating in the water

Which Paving Material for a Pool Deck Is Better?

The better material for pool decks is concrete pavers because they are cheaper than normal pavers and travertine and still offer good quality. They are also readily available and can be customized to suit your preference.

Related Questions

Why Use Pavers Instead of Concrete?

The reason why most homeowners use pavers instead of poured concrete is because of their strength and durability. Pavers also come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, making choosing one you prefer easy.

What Causes Pavers to Crack?

The primary cause of paver cracking is a subs-standard paving base. Ensure a proper base during the initial stages of paver installation. Other causes of paver cracking include inadequate jointing of the base or paving issues relating to laying techniques.

Why Do Pavers Rust?

Paver rusting can be caused by metal objects laid on it. Other things that can rust your pavers include fire pits, furniture, garden tools, and pots. Remove these materials around your pavers to curb rusting.


Choosing the best paving material can be the best thing, especially if you want to make your poolside look beautiful. There are different types of pavers, including travertine and concrete pavers. They come in different colors, sizes, shapes, and patterns, ensuring you get what you want.

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