11 Low Maintenance Plants for Outdoor Patios

Transforming an outdoor living space into a green oasis can be rewarding when done correctly. However, the challenge lies in selecting the best low maintenance patio plants that thrive with minimal care. You need plants that will not pile pressure on you (carrying out regular maintenance) when you’re busy doing other things.

Having navigated through this terrain, I’ve figured out the art of choosing ideal plants requiring minimal patio maintenance. I’ll help you understand 11 low maintenance plants for outdoor patios with insights to enhance your patio.

11 Low Maintenance Patio Plants

Having low maintenance plants on your patio can be the best option since it gives you room to do other things instead of concentrating on them. For instance, you can clean your paved patio regularly or even build other things, such as a pergola, to provide shade and add aesthetics. 

Gray paver stones installed outdoors

Here are some easy-to-maintain plants:

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the easy-to-maintain plants for patios. It is a succulent plant in the Asphodelaceae family and is widely found in most parts of the world. The plant is renowned for its fleshy, green leaves that add a striking visual appeal to an outdoor space.  

The advantage of this plant is that it can thrive in almost every climatic condition. For optimal aesthetics, ensure your aloe vera is placed on a decorative pot or hanging planters.


Echeveria is another outdoor plant that requires minimal maintenance and still provides optimal aesthetics to your patio. 

Besides thriving well with minimal care, Echeveria has rosette-shaped leaves in various hues that add a unique charm to your patio’s aesthetics. It also helps add oxygen to your patio, ensuring you have fresh air throughout. 

Snake Plant

The snake plant is an ideal outdoor plant that thrives with minimal care since it requires little water. The plant belongs to the Asparagaceae family and has sword-like leaves that are extremely easy to maintain as they are rarely attacked by pests.

In addition to enhancing aesthetics, snake plants have health benefits, such as purifying the air and boosting mental health. 

Fountain Grass

Fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) is another ideal low-maintenance ornamental grass that can help enhance your outdoor patios with graceful, arching foliage. The grass is easily grown on most soils and does well in full sun, making it an ideal choice for an outdoor living space. 

Its feathery plumes create an inviting ambiance, ensuring your patio remains attractive. Always place it in borders, attractive containers, or pots to improve the patio’s beauty.

Patio with outdoor furniture, potted plants and light fixtures

Blue Fescue

Blue fescue (Festuca glauca) is another colorful ornamental grass that requires minimal maintenance to thrive. It belongs to the Poaceae family and is well suited to full sun, making it ideal for outdoor living space. 

Place it in a decorated container, pot, or ground cover to achieve its full aesthetic characteristics.

Mondo Grass

Mondo grass (Ophiopogon japonicus) is another outstanding patio plant. Its slender leaves form lush and green tufts that make your patio lovely. Mondo grass can thrive in both sun and shade.

English Lavender

English lavender (Lavandula) is a hardy plant from the Lamiaceae family. The plant does well in full sun, making it a great choice for an outdoor living space. Renowned for its fragrant and purple spikes, the lavender plant can enhance the curb appeal of a patio and attract pollinators.


Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is a flowering shrub that can be planted along patio edges or in pots and decorative containers. With its large colorful blooms, hydrangea ensures you have fresh air on your patio. 

This plant can also thrive in full sun and partial shade, making it ideal for patios. However, it is recommended to grow them in a container before putting them on the ground.

Boston Fern

Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) is another plant that requires minimal maintenance. Boston Fern can increase the curb appeal with its feathery fronds and vibrant greenery.

The plants thrive in minimal sunlight and should be placed in hanging baskets, or containers to ensure maximum aesthetics to your patio. 


Hosta is a perennial plant that thrives in shaded areas and should be placed in containers to create a visual appeal to the patio. 

Patio with outdoor furniture overlooking a river

Its lush foliage, texture, and color bring nature closer to your home. The diverse leaf pattern also makes it a versatile and visually pleasing addition to any patio landscape.


Rose is a flowering shrub in the Rosaceae family that can climb beautifully when trained that way. It is a low maintenance plant endowed with diverse colors and fragrances for aesthetics. 

The plant can thrive in full sun and is best placed in containers and pots to enhance curb appeal. 

Tips for Maintaining Low Maintenance Plants

Even though these plants require low maintenance, you must check on them to ensure they are doing well. Here are some tips:

  • Proper watering: Ensure the plants receive adequate water for pepper growth.

  • Well-draining soil: Use well-draining soil to prevent water logging, which can harm the plants.

  • Pest control: Always monitor the plants to spot any pest infestation that could hinder their growth.

  • Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch at the base of the pants to help retain moisture.

Related Questions

What Plant Pots Can Be Used Outside?

There are various outdoor plant containers you can use to grow your pants. These containers include clay planters, plastic planters, wood outdoor panthers, or metal garden panthers.

What Is the Easiest Plant to Grow in Full Sun?

The easiest plant you can grow in full sun is ornamental grass. The plant thrives in a full-sun environment, making it ideal for use in any climatic condition. 

Does the Style of a Patio Dictate the Type of Plant You Need to Grow?

Yes, the patio style influences plant selection. Modern patios may favor sleek succulents, while traditional ones could showcase classic flowers and shrubs. Therefore, if planning to build a modern patio and don’t know where to start, contact experts from Aviara Pavers. Our company follows ICPI guidelines for installing pool decks, patios, walkways, and driveways.


Incorporating low maintenance plants on your patio is a great idea as it adds natural beauty and simplifies upkeep. From vibrant succulents to grasses, these plants can increase the visual appeal of your patio, increasing the value of your home!

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