Is Salt Bad for Pavers?

At times, snow and ice cover walkways, patios, and driveways made of pavers. To melt the ice and make the surfaces safe, people often sprinkle salt on them to dissolve the ice. The question is, is salt bad for pavers, and will it damage the surface over time?

Is Salt Bad for Pavers?

Yes, salt is bad for pavers. It can damage the surface of the pavers over time, causing them to become dull and chipped. In addition, salt can also cause the pavers to become stained and discolored. If you must use salt to melt ice on your pavers, be sure to brush it off as soon as the ice is melted to avoid any damage.

Paver stones

Most problems arising from using salt can be prevented by using a de-icing product specifically designed for use on pavers. There are various de-icing products available on the market that are safe for use on pavers. These products work by preventing ice from forming on the surface of the pavers, making them much easier to deal with when the weather turns cold.

If you are concerned about the salt causing damage, you can consult with a professional about the best way to protect your investment. This way, you can be sure that your pavers will last long and look great for years to come.

The Side Effects of Using Salt on Pavers

Though one can sometimes be forced to use salt on their pavers to melt the ice, it's best to avoid salt if possible. The side effects of using salt on pavers can be costly and time-consuming to fix. Some of the most common side effects include:

Pavers Can Become Stained

When you apply salt to your pavers, it can cause a chemical reaction. This reaction will eventually cause the salt to work its way into the pores of the paver. Over time, this will result in the paver becoming stained. To avoid this, it's best to use an alternative method to remove ice from your pavers.

You can also consult with a professional about sealing your pavers before winter to help prevent staining from occurring. At Aviara, we offer various paver sealing services that can help you keep your pavers looking new. We also provide other services such as paver cleaning, patio and driveway installation, pool deck installation, and more.

Hand holding rock salt

Harmful to Plants

Another downside to applying salt is that it can harm plants. Most plants do not like a high salt concentration and will start to wilt and die if exposed to it for too long. This is because the roots of the plant are what absorb nutrients and water from the soil, and if there is a high salt concentration in the soil, it will be much harder for the plant to absorb these things.

In some cases, the plant may not be able to recover and will die. If you have plants near your house like flowers, it's best to avoid salt on your pavers to prevent them from being harmed. Always use alternatives like sand or cat litter to melt the ice on your pavers.

Etches Pavers

Another common side effect of salt on pavers is that it can etch the surface. This happens when the salt gets into the pores of the paver and starts to eat away at the surface. Over time, this will cause the paver to become dull and lose its shine. It can also make the paver more prone to cracking and breaking.

A cracked paver means that water can get into the cracks and freeze. This will cause the crack to widen and can eventually lead to the paver breaking. If you have salt on your pavers, it's best to remove it as soon as possible to prevent this from happening.

Bad for Pets

You should avoid applying salt if you have pets. This is because salt can harm them if they lick it off their paws. In some cases, it can even be deadly. If you must use salt, keep your pets away from the area until the salt has been removed.

Alternative to Using Salt

There are various alternatives to applying salt to help remove ice without causing damage. Some of these alternatives include:

Walkway being installed with paver stones
  • Potassium Chloride: This is one of the safest chemicals you can use to melt ice. Pet owners often use this since it's not harmful to pets if they lick it off their paws.

  • Calcium Chloride: This is a more common chemical that is used to melt ice. It has a freezing temperature of -25 degrees Fahrenheit, which is lower than most other chemicals. It also prevents cracking by creating a brine solution.

  • Magnesium Chloride: This is another common chemical used to melt ice. It's not as harmful as salt and works at lower temperatures. It also provides an added layer of protection against slipping. The freezing point of magnesium chloride is -13 degrees Fahrenheit. This is one of the reasons why it's often used in public areas.

  • Calcium Magnesium Acetate: This is a safe alternative to applying salt. It is a natural acid that is soluble in contact with water. This means that it won't harm your plants or pets if they come into contact with it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Salt Is Safe to Use on Pavers?

The salt you can use is rock salt or calcium chloride. These are the most common and effective chemicals for melting ice. These salts do not contain any impurities that could damage your pavers.

Can One Use Vinegar to Clean Pavers?

Yes, you can use vinegar to clean pavers. Vinegar is a natural acid that can help remove stains and build-up from your pavers. Always use white vinegar since it's the safest to use. It also won't harm your plants or pets if they come into contact with it.


Using salt on your pavers can be harmful to them. It can cause etching, cracking, and breaking. It can also be harmful to your plants and pets. You can use alternative chemicals to melt the ice on your pavers without causing damage. 

Jason Farr